Monday, March 10, 2008

WhAt's it All AbOuT?

Hey y'all... and no I am not from Texas, the South or anywhere else. Y'all is just easier! I am just a regular gal, which I guess is spectacular and exceptional in its own profound way. There is no particular way to define me, but like so many others that I know, I often find myself in the thick of thin things. With so many things on my plate, so many good things competing for my time and attention, I sometimes find myself wondering about what things really matter the most and where my allegiance of time should lie. Now...I will not attempt to philosophize, trivialize, or any other form of "ize" in this little blip of my reality. I just want to share a little of what I know to be true, those things I just can't understand, and those things that circumstance has called to my attention. I do not attempt humor, for I will undoubtedly fail miserably, but if there is found in my words an inkling of wit, take it for what it is worth. Within wit lies some of the greatest truth. What follows is my reality...finding the optimism and irony in the thick of thin things...

1 comment:

The Acting Musician said...

I have to admit, you do have a way with words! I am excited to read more. . .